Always payout silently......
Always stands in the most corner place....Forgotten by the huma......
Such mood.....Good bitter and astringent ......

Some people like the young beautiful woman.....
Some people like ripe female....
But why is mother always be forgotten?

On the body always has too many responsibilities......
Let me be unable to walk away might as well......
Let me be unable to throw down all these irresponsibly ........

"the good person card”......collected many non-righteousness ......
to send the good person card in you before.......
Whether to think that attains these card person's mood?

Camouflage all.....Already disintegrates......
I do really want to cry….But can I .....?!
Perhaps has cried later .....
I.....Can be as before that..........After camouflage later .....” strong person” .....

It is not I who is radical.....
It is what I think that I have already do not suit appears.......

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